Raising Dion: An Intriguing Superhero Drama for All Ages
Raising Dion is an American superhero drama television series that premiered on Netflix in 2019. It is based on the 2015 comic book and short film of the same name created by Dennis Liu. The series follows the story of a widowed mother named Nicole (Alisha Wainwright) and her young son Dion (JaSiah Young), who develops mysterious superpowers after a series of events. Together, they navigate the challenges of raising a child with extraordinary abilities while keeping them a secret from the world.
Key Characters
In addition to Nicole and Dion, the series features a talented cast of characters:
- Patrice (Jason Ritter): Nicole's best friend and a scientist who helps Dion understand his powers.
- Esperanza (Sammi Haney): Dion's best friend and confidante.
- Suzanne (Ali Ahn): A government agent tasked with investigating Dion's powers.